Frances-Mary Ezeh
5 min readJun 28, 2021


Meeting Chinese people is something that excites me. I think ‘star struck’ would be the best word to explain it. I am here for the Chinese culture and language and that’s on period.

These people particularly stand out because we met physically. I do talk with some Chinese people but; it is more or less an online thing, so I cannot really utilize it the way I want. I have a whole lot to tell you about these amazing people but first I would tell you how we met 😊.

Some weeks ago, after having this long-ass class, I was on my way to the hostel with a classmate and then I saw these two Chinese men stepping out from the Confucius institute at my school. I am always excited to see them. I was definitely star struck (imagine what would happen when I finally meet my star crush💀).

As usual, I was shy to approach them but my friend nudged me on to go talk with them (Tom and Thomas). I did so and for this, I am grateful. A little of how the conversation went:

Frances: Hi Hi Hi Hi!!!!!

Tom: Hi

Frances: My name is Frances, I am currently learning Chinese and I love Chinese people. Oh my God 😓

Tom and Thomas: both laugh

Thomas: Your Chinese is good, add her on your we chat

Tom: You have we chat?

Frances: Yes I do, please help me do it

Tom: We would talk on WeChat

Frances: Okay, okay, bye

Thomas and Tom: bye

All this was said in Chinese because apparently, they have been in Nigeria for like a month and Tom’s English is not so good but that of Thomas is above average.

After that, we used Wechat and Whatsapp as our means of communication. We spoke once on phone and then I realized speaking with natives is not so easy because they are fast and their intonations are out of this world. Learning a language isn't just about paperwork, it has to do with a lot of speaking and listening. For me, I learnt Chinese online so it wasn't a cakewalk.

Fast forward to weeks after that, Tom and Thomas wanted a meet-up. I was sceptical because I hate stepping out but then I finally decided to go after much thought and it was off the hook.


I would start with the basics. When visiting Chinese people it is of importance to take a gift along. I considered cookies but that didn't sit well with me. I mean, China is like the home of cookies, right? Long story short, I didn't get anything (sigh). I still plan on though. 😅

I visited with a friend who is also learning the Chinese language. This is because they asked though and I was like okay cool. That won't hurt, right?

On getting to the house, we had introductions and all. I am getting to my favourite part soon(sips wine). Questions about school, China, work, age, family and all came up. It was okay.

My favourite parts asides from work!!!!???


If you know me personally, you would know I like food. I don't know the name of the food I ate but it was sweet, nutritious and sumptuous. You know, no one can beat Asians in terms of food and cooking in my opinion. I was taught how to use chopsticks. I have never used one in my life and I was proud of myself for having accomplished such a huge milestone of using chopsticks💀. I would like to thank my mum…….

I remember eating Chinese noodles, fish, mushroom, egg and other things, at least that is what they looked like. It was sweet!!!! I continued eating the chicken with sauce even when I was filled up. The Nigerian element in me was about to suffice when I thought of asking for a takeaway pack. Do you want to see a picture? yes? Here you go then 😋

Joke apart, we were served Large Dish Chicken, Spicy Fish, Scrambled Eggs with Fungus, Boiled Shrimp, and Cold Vermicelli😋

CHINESE CHESS (Zhōngguó xiàngqí 中国象棋)

This is not the typical chess everyone knows. This is a bit more complicated with players such as elephant, elder, soldier, servant and so on. Learning how to play Chinese chess in the space of an hour has made me attain some kind of God level, ya know!!

It is of no argument that the winner title was conceded to the masters.


This part was hilarious. They had a deck of cards and said we should teach them something Nigerian. I was like tor, you have come to the right person. My friend and I taught them this game called ‘school’, I can't really go into details on how the game is played but, I can say they beat me in this game too, my facial expressions were selling me out too much and there was laughter here and there. The game was mad fun. I promise you, I did not cry.


Did I say a picture?

All in all, it was an amazing meet-up. I look forward to more meet-ups. The Chinese culture is really amazing and I could see a bit or two that I had learned overtime on the culture play before me. It is a success story for me even though it might seem so minute. I look forward to more adventures with them. The Chinese❤



Frances-Mary Ezeh

An avid lover of the Chinese culture and its entirety. Keeping it Halal